Friday, August 21, 2009

The Cast & Crew

Kerry is in her late 20s, is a femininst computer geek, who loves both her husband and her puppy. It is unclear which one she loves more. Kerry, Sean, and Sam live in a charming little ground floor apartment across the street from Grandview elementary. Kerry loves to drink wine on her patio while listening to the sounds of teenagers partying on the playground, and enjoying the view of some very fit (and attractive) crossfitters running past her place. East Van really is heaven. Kerry is currently on a funemployment break - she spends her days trolling craigslist for a coding job, working on her various unfinished but really cool projects, going for walks around the neighborhood, and baking.

Sean is Kerry's darling husband. Sean is generally found geeking it up by playing boardgames or video games. Or, on really geeky days D&D or Magic. (Kerry tries to deny it, but she's usually right in the nerd action too). Sean adores Gelato, Kerry, Playing with puppies in the park, reading science fiction, and pretending to complain when Kerry makes him dress up to go out. Sean spends a good chunk of M-F pumping out C# or C++ code for the Kodak Eastman Company.

Sam is the apple of Kerry's eye - he was born on Nov. 13, 2008 and joined Sean and Kerry on March 25, 2009. Sam is spoiled rotten, but doesn't know it. How spoiled? Let's just say that steak is always bought in multiples of 3. Sam loves Kerry, Sean, Steak, Bacon, Balls, Playing Fetch, Playing Keep-away, Going on puppy adventures, and meeting new friends - either dog or people friends. Sam is usually found napping or trying to steal socks from Kerry's laundry basket.

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